The Lux is a premium tier single motor offering, part of the IBO Smart family as L10 and sharing the ODM of market leading models such as those ODM's of Dragon Lightning (L11) and Dragon Cyclone (L10+). In our region, with hilly terrain, mainstream market offerings at this price range focus on price and specification (performance), sacrificing ride comfort and ascetic design and styling. Lux offers deluxe, luxurious ride comfort and excellent handling properties with an ascetic design that crafts a visual persona of style excellence. For example, the kick stand retracts seamlessly to preserve ankles.
At this price point, the Lux offers excellent visual style, ride handling and braking capability unmatched by other local market offerings.
eScootNow G Series - The range
G series is the in-house portfolio by eScootNow, comprising of 7 series across four discrete classes of ride handling (denoted with prefix G0, G1, G2 and G3).
Visit the G Series eScooter Range Home Page for an overview of the makes/models in the line-up and specification comparison tables.