eScootNow holds a selected range of common genuine Kaabo factory spare parts for Mantis and Wolf Warrior series. In Australia, Scooter Hut holds the largest stocks of Kaabo Spares, however can often be out of stock and/or not have the appropriate items in the catalogue. Aliexpress sellers are also an option, however you should find eScootNow pricing comparable and with quicker delivery ex Brisbane with Express post shipping. International shipping is calculated at checkout.
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Reference materials.
GT Build of Materials exploded diagram. Some parts in this catalogue will refer to reference numbers in this BOM:
Kaabo Screw Diagram Wolf Warrior Series
Kaabo Wolf Warrior GT series wiring diagram:
Kaabo Wolf Warrior 11 MiniMotors Controller EY3 - Squarewave (2 x 40 amp) wiring diagram:
Kaabo Wolf Warrior 11 Standard Controller LT01 - Kaabo SInewave (2 x 30 amp) wiring diagram:
Kaabo Wolf Warrior X PLUS Standard Controller LT01 - Kaabo SInewave (2 x 30 amp) wiring diagram:
Kaabo Wolf Warrior X PRO+ MiniMotors Controller EY3 - Square Wave (2 x 27 amp) wiring diagram:
Note the variance of the wire colours on plug number 1 socket in the two above Warrior X diagrams with respect to red and white wire, and the same further below for Mantis 10. The red and white wires observed in photo's below are reversed to that in the diagrams above (and below). Similar discrepancies apply to the Wolf Warrior King GT diagram further above.
Wire colours observed on Wolf Warrior GT (Sinewave TFT)
Wire colours observed on Wolf Warrior X Plus (Kaabo Sinewave LT01)
Wire colours from throttle/display, plug for Number 1 socket observed on Wolf Warrior X Pro (MiniMotors EY3)
Wire colours from throttle/display, plug for Number 1 socket observed on Wolf King GT
Wire colours documented as observed on Warrior X (Sinewave LT01) from Kevin at Scooteroo Perth.
Some of the pinouts for the XHB 1.display (8-Pin) connector are shown below, extracted from IoT GPS Tracker by eScootNow wiring harness.
The three large plugs on the TFT Display (Assume Wolf Warrior GT model)
The black JST SM 6-pin pinouts for MiniMotors EY3 and LT01 non-hub models.
Observed in older, non-hub models of Mantis and Warrior 11. Note, some earlier Dualtron models adopts a 7-pin JST SM connector for throttle/display, the additional white wire is for headlights. Kaabo does not adopt this 7th pin.
Main line receptacle to EY3 |
MiniMotors Controller plug |
Pin / purpose | Kaabo Controller plug |
Main line receptacle to LT01 |
White (Dualtron) | Headlight | |||
Yellow | Yellow | 1 RxD | Yellow/White | Red |
White | Blue | 2 TxD | Blue/White | Yellow |
Green | Green | 3 Throttle | Green | Green |
Black | Black | 4 -ve | Black | Black |
Blue | Orange | 5 PWR ON | Orange | Blue |
Red | Red | 6 +ve | Pink | White |
The diagram below shows the MiniMotors EY3 JST SM 7-pin connector (source: Reddit).
If you are unsure as to where "pin 1 resides on JST SM, reference the below image.
Kaabo Mantis Hub (8 and 2022 series 10 with wire collecting board, this is the newer version with headlight) MiniMotors Controller EY3 - Square Wave wiring diagram:
Kaabo Mantis Hub (8 and 2022 series 10 with wire collecting board, this is the newer version with headlight) Standard in-house Controller LT01 - Kaabo SInewave wiring diagram:
Kaabo Mantis 10 (non-hub, older pre-2022 no-headlight version) MiniMotors Controller EY3 - Squarewave wiring diagram (JoseFilloy pictorial):
Kaabo Mantis 10 (non-hub, older pre-2022 no-headlight version) MiniMotors Controller EY3 - Squarewave wiring diagram (new wiring):
Kaabo Mantis 10 (non-hub, older pre-2022 no-headlight version) Standard in-house Controller LT01 - Kaabo SInewave wiring diagram (new wiring):
Kaabo Mantis 10 (non-hub, older pre-2022 no-headlight version) MiniMotors Controller EY3 - Squarewave wiring diagram (old wiring):
Kaabo Mantis 10 (non-hub, older pre-2022 no-headlight version) Standard in-house Controller LT01 - Kaabo SInewave wiring diagram (old wiring):
Above Mantis diagrams are for Mantis 10. Mantis 8 may have variation (for example, Mantis 8 Pro MiniMotors is similar to Mantis hub / wire collecting board series). There may be some errors or variations to the factory diagrams, it is always prudent to validate wiring with a multimeter and/or following lines.
Mantis Screws
Periodic Maintenance Schedule Kaabo Electric Scooter of the Philippines (likely based on Kaabo Mantis)
Wire collection board / hub (HUB-1)
Kaabo transitioned the wiring system with a Wire Collection Board / Hub (HUB-1) as shown on the eScootNow product page between late 2021 - early 2022. Models include the Mantis 8 Pro (which was one of the first adopters of this system), The Mantis 10 SE followed, then the newer headlight equipped versions of the Mantis 10 Pro (the "v2") and then inaugural production of the Warrior X then Warrior GT. This "HUB" uses white JST XHB locking style connectors rather the black JST SM connectors.
Here is the sticker inside the Electric Controller Box Wolf Warrior GT. Astute observers will notice #8 is erroneously marked as Rear indicator, should be head light (high voltage, as per #10 above). Note this white label does not designate low and high voltage for headlight, for further info see the headlight product page.
Diagram of Minimotors controller for newer (headlight) version from eScootNow product page.
and here is the main line wiring harness with that controller (the JST SM 2-pin to lights shown as red-black should be orange black).
Kaabo Skywalker 8S / 8H (Sky):
May suit other Sky series models (such as 10C)
Mantis King GT BOM
Courtesy Giovanni Spagnoli with translation by Grogorio D Pilar