VSETT Scooter Riders Group has a good repository of Useful Information.
Some info also on VSETT 10+ Unofficial Manual.
VSETT 11+ Wiring Diagram
Light Box
Notes for those interested in the VSETT Upgraded Display Throttle that accompanies the VSETT Centre Display Upgraded Display System (centre mount large rectangular display).
These are compatible with VSETT systems, but not the VSETT Mini and until recently the VSETT 8 models (due to bracket). They are marketed to not support Unicool T (including DDM) systems such as Zero makes and likely ODM variants of VDM-10 such as Dragon Raptor. They are also somewhat a VSETT exclusive, to accompany VSETT makes. Investigation suggests these upgraded units "will not fit" (physically) but will likely work and be interoperable with systems that use the VSETT NFC and QS-S4 systems. They unit is a pricey option for what may be considered a "bell and whistle" uplift, much being cosmetic (usually it's eyes forward!). eSN can special order this display with throttle however they are not popular given cost of $239 - Ride Electric may have stocks of these for your VSETT and/or rolling the dice on other models.
The VSETT Upgraded Display Throttle (with buttons) interconnects to the display via a high density 8-pin connector as illustrated by Steven Chan. It suggests a 5V line).
Here is the pin-out and the PCB of the center display. PCB adopted from Kevin Graehl