The factory stock tyre on all Ninebot Max models is 60/70-6.5 (6.5" rim) with exception to G2 (G65) which adopts 60/65-6.9 (6.9" rim) on rear. Tyres on this category page support all Max models including the inaugural Max, subsequent G30P, G30L & G30LP designations (both generations) and the rear suspension model G2 (G65) which uniquely adopts the 60/65-6.9 on rear.
A well rounded 10x2.75-6.5 with appropriate width at rim is often retrofitted to Ninebot Max G2 models and well received as a lower PSI, more rounded, lower pressure (softer) alternative to stock tyres.
Ninebot Max models adopt tubeless operation and factory stock tyres are all with self-healing liner. It is recommended to renew the valve when renewing tyre. MoovMoov Belgium have a couple of good installation videos for Ninebot Max:
The factory original tyre on 6.5" rims is CST 60/70-6.5 C-9351, typically with Ninebot branding white nameplate/label on sidewall. Prior to adoption of the CST, Ninebot adopted the Innova IA-2146 which is visually identical other than the OEM nameplate. The Yuanxing 60/65-6.9 CY-329 is the factory stock tyre on 6.9" rims. They all have self healing liner with similar tread pattern.
eSN recommends the aftermarket CST 10x2.50-6.5 CM531 (green line) if self-healing liner is not required on the 6.5" rim wheels. CM531 runs 50PSI, which is 5PSI less than resilient (but hard/rough) original 55PSI C-9351. The Chao Yang H-789 can can also be adopted, it runs 44PSI and is also without liner.